Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Finally, after 4 years!!!

I purchased material to make curtains and a comforter for my bedroom approximately 4 years ago. My husband had pretty much given up hope that I would ever do anything with that material. But on the weekend of January 5th 2008, I hauled out the material, my sewing machine and serger and set to it.

sewing in progress of comforter

I am happy to say that this past weekend I finished. I made a bedskirt (which can't be seen in the picture because it is a sleigh bed, you really only see it when the bed is not made), a comforter, pillow shams and curtains.

comforter and curtains

No pattern was used, I simply used some concepts I took from a couple of books that I picked up over the years: Sally Cowan's Sew A Beautiful Home: Quick and Easy Home Decorating Projects and Singer's The New Step-by-step Home Decorating Projects.

Now all I have left to do is get the following cross-stitch framed. I finished this cross-stitch about 3.5 years ago. It is meant to hang in my room since it matches the colors of my room.

July's Amethyst Fairy by Mirabilia

This cross-stitch pattern is July's Amethyst Fairy (#59) by Mirabilia.


Anonymous said...

Line has written on her blog! Line has written on her blog!
Line has written on her blog!!

Very nice sewing, I am impressed. And did I tell you how excited I was that you wrote on your blog?


The Gourmet Goddess said...

It looks beautiful! You must feel a wonderful sense of satisfation! And now you have a peaceful space to sleep in.

Anonymous said...

I was in awe over all of the sewing you accomplished, and then I saw the cross-stitch! Wowie wow wow! It's really lovely!

You've been given an award...and tagged for a meme! Please see my blog for the details.:)

Anonymous said...

ahem... (the blogg-o-addict is waiting for a new entry)
