Thursday, July 15, 2010

Last place I thought I would learn...

about a world championship shearer!

I was innocently walking through the airport looking for the gate that would begin my trek home. I turn a corner, and I can't stop myself from going into spasms of joy...

I am thinking, would they notice if I just took a little bit with me! I could stuff some in my carry on. There is so much of it, surely no one would notice. Then I thought, if I can't take any with me, can I at least jump in and roll around in it. But I did manage to take hold of myself - and did not take any fleece home with me or jump in. I did touch it and pet it some though. And then took a picture so that I could forever remember the experience.

This large display of sheared Merino is truly a fitting display for the Purely Merino storefront of the Sydney Kingsford Smith International Airport in Australia.

I decided to Google this person and discovered this person truly has a passion for shearing:

Shannon Warnest SkillsOne Video

He has won the title of World Championship Shearer twice:

It is wonderful to see people rewarded for living their passion!


remmy said...

That is awesome Line. See how travelling allows you to see things that I can garantee you wouldn't see sitting at Starbucks.

Anonymous said...

Really cool. But now, this is a statue of the guy with a sheep right? Not a mummy... And the fleece, is it washed or smelly?

I have to go there...


Line (pronounced Lynn) said...

Yes, it is a statue of the guy with the sheep. And the fleece was washed and so very very soft... I would not have wanted to jump in it if it was still smelly and dirty ;-)

Jeff said...

Very interesting Line! Hope to see you again soon @ London Wul :)