Sunday, April 29, 2007

Happy times, busy times, relaxing times and sad times...

I apologize for the extended length of time since my last blog. I have been extremely busy since my last post... though not all with knitting related activites.

Happy Times
Trellis Sweater front
In early March, at the age of 40 my sister-in-law gave birth to her second child - a son named Zacharie. Last summer, I had decided to knit the Trellis sweater because I wanted to learn to cable on a project that was manageable. I struggled with picking a color because I really wanted to knit this in blue but did not know of anyone that was expecting... let alone a baby boy. I finally settled on Mission Falls 1824 100% Merino Superwash. At the end of the week that I first started knitting this sweater, my sister-in-law called to say she was pregnant. From that point forward, I was convinced it would be a boy. I finished the sweater (all except for the buttons) and put it aside. I have finally put the buttons on it this weekend and am mailing it out to her tomorrow morning.

Zacharie has an older sister, Mylene, and I decided a few weeks ago that I could not send Zacharie something and not include something for her. So, using leftover yarn, I knit Mylene a pair of socks.

Sock for Mylene

Busy Times
During the month of March, I completed three projects for a Human Resources Management course I was taking towards a Masters in Business Administration. I finished the course the first week of April and was happy it was finally over. I also travelled to New Orleans, Louisiana to attend a conference for work. If you have never been to New Orleans, I would definitely recommend going. I hope to return some day with more time to be a tourist.

Relaxing Times
Cuba 2007 BeachCuba 2007 Sunrise
My husband and I had a wonderful time in Cuba, enjoying sun and surf. Nothing but laying around on the beach all day and soaking in the sun. My batteries badly needed recharging, and this trip did the trick. Just in time....

Sad Times
The day after I got back from Cuba, my aunt/godmother lost her struggle to cancer. She lived life the way everyone should! She appreciated what life brought her and never complained about what she didn't have. She loved, laughed and enjoyed life. She embraced death the same way she lived life. Head on with no fear in sight. She is the first person I see approach death so courageoucly despite the cancer that was eating away at her body. She taught us all how to live, and how to die. I will try to live my life using the philosophies I learned from her.


Tanya said...

Lovely sweater! Your sister will be very happy.
I'm so glad you got to put that sock yarn to good use. Great job!
Sorry for your loss. I wish for your happy and relaxing times to out weigh the sad and busy!

Anonymous said...

Very nice knittings indeed. Can't wait to see your lace on the blog!

Wishing you only happy times for the coming months!


Shelley L. MacKenzie said...

Sorry to hear about your aunt.

What a cute little sweater! I love the little socks too!

AnnKnits said...

What a cozy sweater Line! And sockies for big sister were a nice touch. I envy your recent travels, looks and sounds like you had a lovely time.

Having lost many members of my family to cancer, I can definitely relate to your loss. You are fortunate that you were able to embrace your aunt during this time and to have her courage impact you so profoundly is truly a blessing. Celebrate her life and the lessons she taught you. My wish for you is only good times from now on.
